Air New Zealand - An Unexpected Briefing / Hobbit safety video

Since their 2009 nude body paint safety video called "Nothing To Hide" Air New Zealand has been having fun with their safety vids. This time they partnered with WETA Workshop on a brand new Hobbit video.

Even Sir Peter Jackson is in it. Never shy of cheeky innuendo, blowing on the mouthpiece is now an official pick-up line.

It's not all random, if you visit HobbitMovie on Air New Zealand's site, you can find and unlock the Elvish code for a chance to win one of six passes to the World Premiere Screening of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey in New Zealand on the 28th of November 2012.

Client: Air New Zealand

Prod co: WETA Workshop

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Saori Kamitani's picture

I have been thinking that the airplane safety video should be more fun and interest passengers. The contents in the video are very serious and I understand. However, it should be more creative to get passengers' attention because it is very important. I have seen some flight attendances made the announcement in a funny and unique way, but this idea to collaborate with upcoming movie, Hobbit, is different from any other safety video. Also Peter Jackson is in the video. I think this was a big challenge for Air New Zealand since it could be considered a joke, but I think the video promotes the movie, as well as a safe travel. If I am on the plane and the video is started on the screen, I definitely watch and enjoy it.