Ameristar Casinos - "Quadricorn" (2011) :30 (USA)

Tool Director Sean Ehringer recently teamed up with Cannonball to produce a humorous seven-spot campaign for Ameristar Casinos.

See also Ameristar - Robodealer and Ameristar - Confetti

Client: Ameristar
Spot Title(s): Confetti (featured), Robodealer (featured), Quadricorn (featured), Captain Cutthroat, Wild Bill
Air Date: Summer 2011
Agency: Cannonball
Creative Director: Joe Bishop
Associate Creative Director: Aric Jost
Sr. Copywriter: Amy Venturella
Business Manager: Mary Jarnagin
Account Manager: Emily Bury
Chief Strategist: Stacey Goldman
Producer: Larry Israel
Prod Co: Tool
Director: Sean Ehringer
EP(s): Brian Latt, Oliver Fuselier
Editorial Co: 90 Degrees West
Editor: Scott Whiteaker
Producer: Ellen Legow

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