Amnesty banners brings the torture to your desktop

Over at Houtlust we've found these uncomfortable Amnesty banners which run on large sites in Turkey, such as CNN Turkey. The banners play a short film of beatings, torture or worse , then stop and ask the viewer if they shall continue. If you press the play button, it reads "don't just watch violence happen", if you press the stop button it says "you've got what it takes".

Talk about making the news headlines come alive. The banners were created by DDBCO Turkey and you can check them out here:

"Torture": hooded nude man being beaten *
"Violence": nude woman being beaten *
"Cruelty": partially dressed man being whipped by two guards *

Yeah, I'm explaining what are in the ads because honestly, you might not want to see them. Just go and give Amnesty some money, you can do a day without a double skinny half-caf cappuccino with a twist.

* links are dead and have been removed.

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kinky's picture

Wow... These are really effective. I wanted to join them to stop it.

purplesimon's picture

Nasty ads, but effective.

Bannerblog has posted an English version, not that it makes it any less horrifying. If you really need to read it in English, you can see it here.

I wouldn't recommend viewing this, but I would recommend doing without a double skinny half-caf cappuccino with a twist.