Anacin - Dan O'connell (1981) - 0:30 (USA)

When bigger is better.


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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Toste's picture

I'd have a headache if I banged on the table like that too.

Shawn's picture

That is the best person I ever knew. So glad to see him here. Miss him everyday.

Dabitch's picture

Aw, that's so sweet!

Heather's picture

I can't express how important that we (his family) can replay this when we miss him. We lost him in the 1990's His son (my father) is very sick and this will without a doubt lift his spirits. Thank you so much for posting this for us to find.

Dabitch's picture

Awwwwww, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm glad this ad archive helps you at this time. It wasn't the intent of it when I created it, but I'm grateful and happy that has that side-effect for people like you and anyone looking for old memories.

Heather's picture

My mom Susan O'Connell passed 10/05/2016 she did an commercial for Tylenol sinus medicine in the 1980's again its for my father (Daniel O'Connell son) is there anywhere I should go to start my search. Any information is well appreciated thank you again for everything.

Dabitch's picture

The reason we have this ad is that it was aired during the Super Bowl. To find the other 1980s ad might be a little tougher, you'd probably start the hunt by finding out which ad agency worked on the campaign at that time, and what production company. There are some companies that "hunt" down old ads for a large sum of money but I can not honestly recommend them.

Heather's picture

I have been trying to find away to contact you but on your website on under contact always fails to send plz contact me via email it's important

Dabitch's picture

I've emailed you, please check your inbox for email from hostmaster @ this domain.