Another year added to the Super Bowl Commercial Archive

January 16 1972 was the 6th Super Bowl, and whaddya know. now we have some of the 1972 Super Bowl VI commercials in the ever-growing Claymore Project, the Super-Bowl-o-rama collection.

So while we wait for Feb 6th and Super Bowl XXXIX to roll around and be added to our collection, you can walk down memory lane to back when Pabst still ran lifestyle TV commercials.

Thirty-one years of Super Bowl commercials are now available in the archive - no other collection on the web is this complete, so if you are an ad-nut welcome to our one-stop shopping ad archive. ;)

Super bowl commercials

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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AnonymousCoward's picture

How soon after the Feb. 6 game are you going to post this year's commercials? Thanks.

Dabitch's picture

When the game is over it'll be the morning of Monday Feb 7 here, and I will start cranking up posts as soon as I can (and am awake, hehe). The pre-game ads will appear first.

AnonymousCoward's picture

Sweet. Thanks!