Apple / iPad - "Hollywood "- (2013) :30 (USA)

Apple brings us yet another riveting product demonstration zzzzzz .. oh and it's "Hollywood" because it was aired for the first time during the Oscars.

Agency: TBWA\Media Arts Lab

CCO: Duncan Milner

ECD: Eric Grunbaum

ACD/AD: David Zorn, Masaya Asai

ACD/CW: JD Jurentkuff

AD: Dominic Orlando, Danny Duran

CW: Tatum Shaw

Executive Producer: Mike Refuerzo

Agency Producers: Alejandra Ravassa, Zane Miller, Diana Parada

Production Company: Green Dot

Director: Mark Coppos/Rebecca Baehler

DP: Fernando Cardenas

Editorial Company: Nomad Editing Company, Inc

Editor: Val Thrasher

Post Company: D-Train

Lead Flame Artist: Ben Gibbs

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