Art & Copy films + Thanks for the purse BFFB!

Åsk Wäppling Dabitch Thank you Darryl Ohrt and Plaid for picking up a super cute tacky Elvis bag in graceland for me as a bribe for babysitting brandflakesforbreakfast while they were touring the country in their plaid wheels. I said earlier that I never want to buy a T-shirt again since I can dress in cool production house tee's instead, and I just might extend that to purses. :))


Meanwhile, it's time to pop popcorn and go to movies, the "Art and Copy" film found on said blog looks mighty interesting. "I could get exited about selling a new kind of pen! Wow, a new pen, this is different yeah, let me sell that mother[BLEEEEP]" - man you should have left the swearwords in.

Check out art & copy screenings to see if you can catch it with an admate in a theatre near you - hell, I'll arrange a screening here in Malmö is someone else hasn't beat me to distributing it here, that looks like my kind of film!

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