Åsk is the Elite

Åsk Dabitch Wäppling. Not Wättling.

Åsk and Adland is put on the swedish mag Att:entions list of the new media-elite!  (wayback link)

(I have tried to interpret the Swedish lingua...)

"When it comes to marketing Åsk Wättling [ouch!] rules the net. More known as "Dabitch" she runs the blog "Adland" which entice thousands of marketingnerds [sic!] all over the world."

Yeah. The Swedish Adland-gang is proud as hell since the rest of the list is not that good.

But hey, finally... :)

See also: Ekonominyheterna.se - The new Media Elite List 2006

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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deeped's picture

We two are as one! *grin*

Dabitch's picture

ha! That was a weird sync. ;)

shmulikber's picture

saw the article last week! congratulations, it's well deserved for the great work you do here on adland!!!!

Dabitch's picture

Thankyou. :)
What? It was in the paper last week? Oi, I'm so behind on my reading-of-absolutly-everything.