#askadstandards twitter movement puts Ad Standards Board against the wall

#askadstandards is the hashtag that aims to confront the Ad Standards Board with how lax they are in regards to the sexualisation of women in advertising.
Previously Destroy the Joint, an Australian facebook group, and Collective shout have been active in sending complaints about the Fresh One's un-fresh sex-innuendo campaign. Mumbrella reported on it, and interviewed Collective Shout’s Melinda Liszewski who said:

"We often hear from people when they come across sexualised or porn inspired advertising. From there we can advise on where a complaint should be submitted (such as through the Ad Standards Board) and engage our broader networks. In the case of Fresh One, the level of sexual objectification was so obvious and extreme, many people followed through with submitting complaints and feedback. Companies using pornographic themes – in this case depicting oral sex and naked women with their legs spread – should not be surprised when they get a reaction.

The Advertising Standards Bureau dismissed the complaints made against the coffee-company that seems to only employ copy-wankers, along with many others, and so the #askadstandards hashtag was born. Collective Shout says that "Industry has been warned, has had its chance to voluntarily self-regulate, and has conspicuously failed to act at the level required." in a post Oct 20th, and now the hashtag is picking up speed. They show many examples in their post of advertising they think crosses the line, including the Lee campaign shot by Terry Richardson we wrote about here in 2006.

src="adland.tv/ee-trying-calvin-klein-kiddie-porn-campaign-idea-down-oz/1157829881">Lee campaign shot by Terry Richardson we wrote about here in 2006.

src="adland.tv/d-dictionary#Copy_Wanker">copy-wankers, along with many others, and so the #askadstandards hashtag was born. Collective Shout says that "Industry has been warned, has had its chance to voluntarily self-regulate, and has conspicuously failed to act at the level required." in a post Oct 20th, and now the hashtag is picking up speed. They show many examples in their post of advertising they think crosses the line, including the Lee campaign shot by Terry Richardson we wrote about here in 2006.

src="adland.tv/ee-trying-calvin-klein-kiddie-porn-campaign-idea-down-oz/1157829881">Lee campaign shot by Terry Richardson we wrote about here in 2006.

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