Atari - Alan Alda - Get Started (1984) - 0:30 (USA)

It takes Alan Alda no time at all to set up an Atari computer, but he can't hold a candle against Apple in this year's super bowl. They're targeting very different markets, however. Atari was a "starter computer" for families with kids, where they could play games and learn things - like programming. Alan Alda was their spokesperson and enthusiastic fan. This ad was created to show people that setting up a computer wasn't as intimidating as they might have thought.

- "26 seconds" - "I can go again, I can do it much faster, I can go again"

Client: Atari
Ad agency: Wells Rich Greene
Creative director: Charlie Moss

Director: Stan Dragoti

Principal talent: Alan Alda

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jrliberto's picture

Everyone remembers the Apple spot, yet nobody remembers this gem?

Dabitch's picture

Oh I remember it. I listed it in The oft-forgotten superbowl commercial gems. ;)

Robbotman's picture

That's great. It's not a bad ad, really. It's just that Apple 1984 was a revolution that caught Alan off guard.