Audi "Backseat driver" (2018) 1:47 (Sweden)

Audi Sweden created the backseat driver experience for all women who are fed up with men telling them how to drive. Interesting, because I took an unofficial poll by asking our Swedish editor-in-chief whether or not she's ever experienced this, and was met with a resounding "Not in Sweden." No matter. The idea was to give men a taste of their own medicine with a backseat driver GPS. As the case study says "women could activate the GPS, then analyze the driver's actions and play all kinds of comments back to them."
Boy, technology has come a long way, hasn't it? I had no idea phones could recognize the gender of the finger pressing the screen.
Anyway, they campaign was launched with a professional female race car driver who encouraged women to dish it out. The result? A bunch of PR and some very unhappy male drivers.
Great job.

Agency: Åkestam Holst
Client: Audi Sweden
Production company Digital: More Digital Studio
Production company Film: Folke Film (Director: Laerke Herthoni)
Production company Sound: Flickorna Larsson

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