Gevalia - Scuba diver - (2008) :40 (Sweden)

In 1985 the tagline "Gevalia. När du får oväntat besök" (When you get unexpected visitors) took the market research truth Gevalia found to a brand new world where submarines surfaced in floors, bath tubs inhabited by nude women fell through apartment ceilings, and giant boats made port on tiny islands like the very first poster depicted. That image was made extra surreal when a real ship was stranded on an island in Bråviken, only a spit away from someone's summer house just a few weeks later.

The tagline is back after an eight-year hiatus - the Gevalia campaign so familiar to Swedes - and this is the first time in eight years that we see another "Oväntat besök". Shot by Axel Laubscher, produced by Social Club, and created by Ogilvy Stockholm, (media agency Starcom web agency Gimlet) - this ad is being aired exclusively today - and of course, on Adland.

The Gevalia campaign "När du får oväntat besök" evolved from posters and cinema ads in 1995 to ad installations - or what we now might call Ambient/Guerrilla advertising - where buses crashed into night clubs, and subway cars erupted from the underground onto Stureplan in the center of Stockholm (which we previously spoke to Miami advertising about)

There were also several new TVC's - and in 1999 The Gevalia oväntat besök campaign was named "Århundradets bästa reklamkampanj" (This centuries best campaign). How do you follow that?

"There's really high expectations and we've made use of our skills/resources in the international networks to ensure that the film becomes a success. Gevalia's campaign is a unique one and the development is being followed with great interest by Kraft European leaders" says Katia Melazzi, Director of Marketing Nordic & Southern Europe Coffee (Gevalia)

Super adgrunts, see also, the making of the Gevalia scuba diver film.

Client: Gevalia

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Goodbye's picture

Why are they giving it all away in the start???

Robbotman's picture

While I like the cinematography, there are some nice shots in here, I'm quite baffled by some of the really obvious bits such as showing the diver at the start revealing the end, and "it's raining men" played when he ends up in the pool. That added together makes the old urban legend lose its charm. I'm sure they were trying to enhance the story but after Magnolia, you should leave the fire divers alone.

bella's picture

I like it. It might not be the most surprising story, but it's well told.

Neo's picture

"The making of" video is far more interesting. Also, that bus is still awesome.

aiiobo's picture

Edit out the diver in the opening shot and it could be great!

caffeinegoddess's picture

Is that a typical way pools are filled in Sweden?

Dabitch's picture

Nope, I've never heard of a helicopter pool-filling and the costs for that (with our fuel prices) would be quite outrageous when water from a garden hose is free.

caffeinegoddess's picture

I didn't think so. ;)

One other thing that bugged me a little is that neither scuba man or homeowner seem all that surprised about the event. I think it could have been played up a little bit more.