Audi - #DriveProgress “Daughter” - (2017) (USA)

I was going to let Kidsleepy review this one, as he is a father of a daughter, but he suffered an acute eye-rolling injury when he watched it. The ad shows a father who watcches his daughter navigate a box-car race, while the VO solemnly asks "What do I tell her?" over a bed of tiny violins. I can't even tell if that music choice was sarcastic. "Do I tell her that her father was worth more than her mother?" That sounds pretty depressing. "Do I tell her that she will automatically be valued as less than every man she ever meets?" whoa are you teaching her radfem theory on biological class? That's a rad dad! But then the ad ends on a line of meh: "Audi of America is committed to equal pay for equal work." Oh that's fantastic, Audi of America follows a law that has been in place since 1963, and amended several times since, like in 1972 and 2009. Radical, really. $5 million for one Super Bowl ad and $0 on common sense, I guess. You do know that you as a business need to follow the law, right? Talk about kicking in an open door.

Client: Audi

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