Automotive Director Lino Russell Joins Accomplice Media

Los Angeles— Accomplice Media has signed German director Lino Russell for exclusive representation in the United States. Russell, who was educated in the United States and England, is an automotive and visual specialist known for his technical skill, dynamic visuals, deft handling of talent and ability to craft vivid stories. His credits include Audi, Ferrari, BMW, Alfa Romeo, Volkswagen, Toyota, Chevrolet and other global car brands.

“I couldn’t be more excited about the opportunity to work with Lino,” said Accomplice Media Executive Producer Jeff Snyder. “He is so talented and versatile, whether it’s the breathtaking visuals and energy in his Ferrari Fear spot, or the elements of family life in BMW Don’t Stop, or the integration of lifestyle with beautiful car shots in his Alfa Romeo Forget spot.”

Russell became acquainted with Accomplice Media through the directing duo John Doe, who are also on the company’s roster. “Accomplice is a great fit,” Russell says. “They have a strong track record in automotive, but they’re not limited to that. They also have a great, diverse roster.”

“I see a growing sophistication to Lino’s work where he’ll be even more appealing to our market,” noted Executive Producer Mel Gragido. “Kia’s Coming Soon and Toyota’s Teenager are great examples. Like Jeff, I am very excited to welcome Lino into the company.”

Russell’s recent work includes a spot for the Ferrari 488 which skillfully weaves performance driving footage with abstract macro-photography. He also directed a campaign launching the Chevy Cruze in China that includes dramatic scenes of a paraglider leaping from a mountain cliff and street performers in nighttime urban environments.

“Car shoots are very technical affairs, but my job is to make it look easy,” Russell says. “Because technology is central to my work, I am involved in all the new developments in equipment and post. I also own my fair share of gear. However, I never use tech as a gimmick. On the contrary, through solid prep and research, I make technical limitations less opposing. Ideally, I let them disappear so I can focus on more important things that make the spot stand out. The narrative and performances are brought into more focus and able to connect with the viewer.”

Russell studied filmmaking at Columbia College in Hollywood and the London Film School. As a student in London, he won a Kodak Student Commercial Award and used it as a springboard to launch his directing career in commercials, music videos and corporate media. He has since won Gold Awards at the New York Festivals World’s Best Advertising, the WorldMedia Festival and the U.S. International Film & Video Festival.

Russell, who has shot in the U.S. on several occasions for European car campaigns, looks forward to working directly with U.S. agencies. “I have always admired U.S. advertising for being so precise and to the point,” he says. “I want to continue to explore new ways to tackle car spots. I am drawn toward car advertising that develops from a very iconic product presentation into something emotional and humanly relatable. I’d also like to branch out into more lifestyle work that focuses on the visual expression of emotion and mood.“

For more information about Accomplice Media, visit

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