Award-winning Director Matt Ogens Joins Bullitt

Bullitt is excited to welcome director Matt Ogens to its director roster. Ogens is an award-winning filmmaker and commercial director, known for an evocative visual aesthetic where image and narrative are intertwined.

"Matt is an enterprising storyteller who works in a variety of narrative mediums - traditional and emerging advertising platforms, film, television, documentary, interactive, and virtual reality," explains Bullitt EP Luke Ricci. "It makes him an ideal fit for our company."

Matt Ogens got his start directing docu-series for networks including MTV, VH1, CBS, and CNN, and earned three Emmy nominations for his work for ESPN. His feature documentary "Confessions of a Superhero" debuted at SXSW to critical acclaim and was distributed by Netflix.

Ogens segued into commercials, working with top agencies and brands, and earning awards from The One Show, Clio, SXSW Interactive, and ADC. His advertising credits include projects for Infiniti, Land Rover, Nature Valley, Toyota,, Craftsman, Mitsubishi, Seattle's Best, Stand Up2 Cancer, IBM and more.

"How and why to tell a story are key considerations in today's process, and it is exciting to be at a company that is both filmmaker-driven and conversant in different media," says Ogens. "I am excited to be a part of what's happening at Bullitt."

Central to his work is the ability to engage audiences and even change perceptions by transcending genre or topic with a unique vantage point, captivating characters, and striking visuals. Among his noted projects, the acclaimed feature documentary "Meet the Hitlers" that examines the relationship between names and identity by exploring the lives of people who share the name. Presented and Executive Produced by Morgan Spurlock, the film launched on ShowTime in July 2016 and is available via ShowTime On Demand and iTunes. Other short documentaries include "From Harlem with Love" for ESPN's Emmy-winning "30 for 30" series which follows the Harlem Globetrotters visit to the USSR in 1959 and "Kid Yamaka," the startlingly candid film about a Jewish boxer who found redemption in the ring for Vice's FIGHTLAND.

Fiction also captures Ogens' attention, and his first narrative feature, a coming of age film "North," is now in post-production. He also concepted and directed a narrative VR prequel/teaser shot entirely in abandoned spaces in Detroit, which serves as the setting in "North." His VR film for the Associated Press screened at this year's Cannes Film Festival Next Section.

About Bullitt: Bullitt is a filmmakers' collective and creative studio, founded by creators for creators, and situated at the nexus of entertainment and advertising. With the conviction that storytelling is the most powerful form of messaging, their work utilizes whatever technology is necessary to target a market - or create one - and break down the barriers that stand between an advertiser and their desired audience. Bullitt is known for its leadership in the development of experiences for brands, from commercial campaigns to VR. The filmmaker collective is known for talent at the intersection of entertainment and advertising.

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