Axe / Lynx - Fireman - (2013) :60 (UK)

In "Fireman" a gorgeous specimen of the profession finds a young lady in distress and sets out on a mission to save her in the most heroic way possible, all the while looking sexy , and forgive the pun, smouldering to boot. He races up a stair that burns down at once, he crashes through doors, he ends with an epic getaway from an exploding building, sheltering her in his strong arms, and as their eyes meet once they are in safety...

She spots something better coming down the street! Yep. Ladies may be a sucker for uniforms, but there's levels to the uniforms. Some uniforms are better than others. Let this be a lesson to you all. The best uniform in the birthday suit, by the way, in case anyone was wondering.

Agency: BBH
Creative Director: David Kolbusz
Creative/Art Director: Gary McCreadie
Creative/Copywriter: Wesley Hawes
TV Producer: Ruben Mercadal

Production Company: Biscuit Filmworks
Managing Director: Shawn Lacy
Executive Producer: Orlando Wood
Producer: Rick Jarjoura
Director: Tim Godsall
DP: Jess Hall

Editing Company: Work Post
Editor: Richard Orrick

Post Production: Framestore

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