Axe - Naughty 2 Nice - (2007) 4:00 (USA)

Ad agency BBH New York brings us this hefty mockumentary shot by Randy Krallman at Smuggler. Just goes to show you what happens if you use too much Axe. Be very very careful.

Creds - Creative Directors Matt Ian and Amee Shah.

Trivia little birdie told me: "Matt was actually caught in the scene at the end, and I hear it wasn't pretty."

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

OOoh, naughty!

Extra bonus - The GameKillers - Axe's show.

And, remember the worst personal fragrance-related natural disaster in the history of the Eastern Seaboard ? God bless The Onion.

Imanaddy's picture

Hiyyeeah, she can ride me like a pony against traffic any damn day. I'm a daredevil.

adlib's picture

Axe just keeps getting funnier. 

malkie66's picture

"Axe keeps getting funnier" - yeah...funny-weird. This just aggravated me. Too "clever" for its own good.

adlib's picture

Different strokes. My partner hated it too.

Jacques Meoff's picture

I prefer product demos and then cutting away to happy, successful people. You know, like a guy in a towel using deodorant and then we see him on his way to work on the bus holding an overhead strap. Look! No wetness! Next thing you know he's getting approving looks from everyone on the bus, including the bus driver! The last scene would be of our hero and the bus driver both raising their arms in victory at a professional wrestling match. Their favorite wrestler has won! Look! No wetness! Then they hug each other. Like friends. Hello Axe people, ever hear of marketing to people without resorting to weird and depraved women in prison concepts? I GUESS NOT!

argantil's picture

I think they demonstrate "dryness" very well with the dry humor here. /sarcasm