B-Reel and InstruMMents Launch World First Dimensioning Instrument

Creative agency B-Reel has helped launch innovation start-up InstruMMents, and their very first product – the world’s first Dimensioning Instrument.

InstruMMents, an innovation company founded by the creators of fitness and lifestyle tracker Misfit Shine, has created 01, the world’s first dimensioning instrument.

A compact handheld device that can measure almost anything; 01 rolls over straight, curved or contoured objects to intuitively capture, log, and share dimensions. Elegantly carved in aluminum, 01 is contained within a pen, pencil or stylus, and wirelessly connects to smartphones.

InstruMMents’ Indiegogo campaign was fully funded in less than 24 hours from launch – 01 is currently available for pre-order, making it the perfect Christmas gift for design and craft enthusiasts.

As well as using their expertise to create InstuMMents product launch film, B-Reel were also tasked with developing their brand and product positioning, tone of voice, social content strategy and concept.

Davor Krvavac, Creative Director at B-Reel says: “When we first started to look into this, it dawned on us very quickly that measuring is one of humanity’s most fundamental methods. It’s the first step to understanding stuff, whether you’re smashing particles or choosing a piece of flat pack furniture for your daughter’s room. This product sets a new paradigm in how we measure things and as such it required a new language to describe it. Our whole approach focused on this shift from measuring to dimensioning.”

The InstruMMents team, a collective of veterans in device and software development, wanted to tackle to problem of archaic measuring methods. “There is a dire need to rethink how we capture and use dimensions,” said founder and CEO, Mladen Barbaric. “Measuring tape, for example, hasn’t really changed since its creation in 1860.”

01 uses a proprietary multi-sensor system, requires only one hand to dimension, and is the only such device in the world that works on 3D surfaces. Used to de-sign buildings, fit clothes or hang pictures, it helps makers and weekend decorators intuitively capture linear or contoured lengths. Users can also log, search, and share dimensions using the InstruMMents iOS and Android apps.

Client: InstruMMents

Creative Agency: B-Reel London 

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