Bacardi steals performance act for new ad campaign

The San Francisco prankster group The Cacophony Society has for years been running against the Bay to Breakers run dressed as salmons.

Now RKCR/Y&R in London has come up with a completely unique concept of having people dressed as salmons run against a race in New York. OK, I was sarcastic. They have stolen the whole thing, including twists like one salmon ending up in a bar, available above.

Credits for the Bacardi Salmon ad:

Agency: Y&R London
Production: Hungry Man

Director: Jim Jenkins
Creative: Paul Angus
Creative: Ted Heath
Agency Producer: Claudio Gorini

Executive Producer: Ralph Laucella
DP: Ellen Kuras
Editing Company: Big Sky
Post Production: The Mill New York

And to give credit where credit is due (as opposed to RKCR) I found this story on Laughing Squid.

Go there for the full story and all the links.

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Tssk. That's pretty sad. "I shot video of the 1996 Breakers to Bay salmon running and this commerical is eerily close to my footage (which has been in circulation for ten years), even including the salmon showing up at the bar at the end."

This Nike poster below was a fun homage to the salmon guys - while fitting Nike's tagline and attitude - than this bacardi commercial is. Me no likey.

By the way, we have the "Swimming upstread" Bacardi ad in the archive here