Bank of America - Portraits - (2013) :60 (USA)

"Before they sat down, one more time, just for themselves..." This BOA commercial tells the story of a family, and all the ups and downs they have gone through, backwards in time through family portraits. It's a very interesting way of peeking into a large families life, and perfectly art directed fashion era references will push recognition buttons in nearly everyone. The small moments of acting a much larger story are great too, like the mothers glare after Brad's "brief brush with the law".

"We know we're not the center of your life" says Bank Of America, who probably lent this family the money to buy the house with the fireplace we see in every photo....."But we'll do ur best to help you connect to what is."

Well, that's nice. I still don't trust this bank, as every time I read about Bank Of America in the papers, they're trying to foreclose someones home. I think you have a problem here that this very pretty feel-good ad isn't addressing, BOA. Apart from that, top notch directing.

Bank of America Commercial Portraits

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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David E's picture

I saw this ad during Saturday's NCAA hoops, which I was watching on DVR. About halfway through, I thought, 'What the hell???" and I backed it to the beginning. Hmmm ... Bank of America. I did not see that coming. Then I watched it twice more. Then I watched it and froze image after image on pause.

This is a sensationally complex ad, telling the story backward, with multiple layers of meaning. Some reviewers have not understood it is about ONE family. I can see why they thought that, but the one family's story, told in reverse, is amazing writing. Plus there are all these moments of dysfunction and sorrow -- the woman pulling away from her husband's arm, for example. And the dog subtly appears in the backward shots, becoming a puppy at the end.

I don't bank at Bank of America and I never will, and this ad doesn't make me want to work there. But it would make me want to hire whoever created this ad to direct my next movie.

Dabitch's picture

Yep, it really is a lovely piece of short film making. And if BOA didn't have that tarnished image of foreclosing homes they hadn't loaned money to and being Worst Company In America, I'd say it was a sweet branding spot for a bank that stays with you through life.

kidsleepy's picture

Agreed. Shit company, but a very beautiful spot. The other thing it sadly implies is just how long those mortgages take to pay off.

Dabitch's picture

Back when people got married and bought their first home at 25 thirty years was doable. These days kids are lucky to be out of college at that age.

Kalista Vasquez 's picture

I didn't like it. I honestly thought it was a camera advertisment. I personally like taking pictures, love it actually. I've been searching for a new one, I got excited on this commercial. Set me up for disappointment . Try harder.

ChiChiChi's picture

This is simply a wonderful ad. I didn't expect it to belong to to BOA