Bank of Jamaica - Bank of Jamaica Inflation Targeting Campaign (2020) :30 (Jamaica)

Aaaah bless. What if all national banks were this cool with using their world-famous national export as an illustrative and informative guide in their advertising? "Reggae music is the heartbeat of the country. Low and stable inflation is the heartbeat of the economy." We'd see Swiss banks talk about those holes in your budget are like the holes in cheese, and Dutch banks would compare clogs to conversion rates. I like this, please make all other national banks try to out-do this ad. 

Director: Donovan Watkis
Production: Think Media Limited
Dance Reggae Rhythm: Composed, Arranged and Produced by Donovan Watkis
Talent: Donald Anderson Debbie Bissoon Adazeh Band
Location: Kingston, Jamaica

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Dabitch's picture

The social media work that goes with this is brilliant too.