BBR Saatchi Saatchi Tel Aviv - So what is Integrated Advertising?

So what is 'Integrated Advertising'? Lets explain with this animation.

Advertising Agency: BBR Saatchi & Saatchi, Tel Aviv, Israel
CEO: Yossi Lubaton
Executive Creative Director / Deputy CEO: Yoram Levi
Chief Creative Officer: Nadav Pressman
VP Production & Content: Dorit Gvili
Producer: Bosmat Marmarely
DOP: Ofir Kedmi
Off-line Editor: Tom Sofer
Original Music: Ran Shem-Tov, Shiri Hadar / The Sound Makers Productions
Sound Editor: Itay Swisa
Hand Models: Liat Samuel, Yogev Sivan
Post Production: Snowball Studios
P.P. Producer: Orit Chlebowski
On-line Editors: Andrey Lutsker, Ariel Levental

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