BeanCast 140: Analysis Of The Analysis 2011 is out, where myself, Bill Green @mtlb the creative strategist at BFG, Ken Wheaton @kenwheaton the managing editor at AdAge, and Doug Zanger @zanger creative consultant at Creative Bohemian, speak about the superbowl analysis post-superbowl. Yeah, we analyze the analysis, it's so very meta. We had fun doing that - and veered into the territory of Epic super bowl ads which prompted my post about that.
Seems the guys overall liked the VW Darth Vader ad, and they were on a bit of a roll there, but I did not love it. First, I generally don't like superbowl ads that are seen ahead of the bowl, it's like opening gifts before christmas (note I say seen as in by the general public, that we get embargoed ads ahead of time doesn't count), but my main problem with it is that it could have been for any car brand. At least for any car that has a self-starter, which is the story. Like the groin-shot jokes, you could slap another brand on at the end and it makes no difference. That said, little Darth Vader is very cute though, and his cuteness has been milked thoroughly in post-bowl newsblips about his heart condition, having him meet the real Vader and being on morning TV shows, and so on, they got a lot of miles out of that little ad.
We also spoke about FOX own promos which did well during the bowl, if you missed them The House "Churro" one is here, and the Nascar one is here. For the rest of the bowl ads turn to the 2011 XLV in the worlds largest super bowl commercial collection.