BeGambleAware "Online" (2017) :60 (UK)

"What is it? It's just a bit of fun. Remember that rush? It was 'the best feeling you ever had.' Your words. It was perfect. You said it was. It was ten out of ten. Hundred out of hundred." This film is creepy but quite amazing. At first i thought it was the guy justifying his gambling problem, but then you realize from his words, as well as where he's sitting (on her desk where her laptop would be) but then you realize the guy is actually a a manifestation of the woman's addiction problem. Chilling.

Client: BeGambleAware Agency: 18 Feet and Rising Executive Creative Director: Anna Carpen Creative Director: Will Thacker Creative: Will Thacker, Louis Jopling Agency Producer: Russell Taylor Assistant Producer: Lewis O’Brien Business Director: Adrienne Little, Andrew Barnard Senior Account Manager: Emma French Strategist: Jack Carrington, Frances Docx Production Company: Park Pictures Director: Tom Tagholm Executive Producer: Stephen Brierley Producer: Nick Goldsmith, Sophie Hubble Co Producer: Freya Silk DOP: Mauro Chiarello Editor: Leo King at Stitch Prod Designer: Simon Davis Post Production: MPC Colourist: George Kyriacou VFX artist: Kamen Markov Post Production Producer: Amy Richardson Sound: Anthony Moore at Factory Media: Goodstuff Communications (Rob Donnellan)

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Dabitch's picture

Intense performance from that guy. Shades of Ben Kingsley in Sexy Beast. Well done!