Benylin sponsors Cough Free train carriage

It's back to work for most of us and with the cold weather, commuting means back to the joy of sharing germs with other fellow passsenger. Cold medecine Benylin has jumped on the occasion to sponsor a cough free carriage on a British train company, where anyone who sniffles, sneezes, coughes... is banned (only from the Benelyn carriage though, not the whole train, they can happily spread their germs among the unlucky passengers who couldn't sit in the sponsored carriage).

See more in the Dailly Mail

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Dabitch's picture

Meanwhile... on the other side of the pond Ricola is running some weird contest in NYC where a Ricola rep is hacking away and hoping that some nice person will come up and offer them a Ricola. If you offer the Ricola-guy a Ricola, you could win a million bucks.

Cue masses of people offerig anyone caughing a Ricola? In New York City? I don't think they'll fall for that stunt. They're busy people.

LPikon's picture

You're right - but if the 'Big Apple-ites' have heard about the Benylin train carriage idea, then they may round up the guys who're coughing and hacking away and send them off in their own train carriage to a Bird flu Quarantine centre!