Black Forest Organics "Enhancements" :15 (2016) (USA)

In this installment of The Real Gummies Of The Black Forest, the daughter's caught her parents getting all hot and bothered with each other and just knows she'll need therapy as a result. Very silly stuff.

Client: Black Forest Organics
Agency: Tom Dick & Harry Creative Co., (Chicago, IL)
Creative Partner: Bob Volkman
Creative Partner: David Yang
Managing Partner: Greg Reifel
Chief Strategy Officer: Kevin Richey
Associate Creative Director: Jared El-Mofty
Art Director: Kari Grundman:
Account Managers: Bridget Lamiman, Michelle Sturgis
Social Media Marketing Manager: Sabrina Medora
Producer: Pat Douglass
Production Company: Shuttlecraft (New York, NY)
Executive Producer: Robert Berman
Director: Ronnie Koff
Creative Director: Clint Chang 

Audio: ARU (Chicago, IL)
Sound Engineer and Designer: Don Arbuckle
Music Supervisor: Tom Haigh

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I've always hated that tired joke about needing therapy because your parents love each other. Talk about first world luxury problem. "Dad thinks mom is hot, how terrible!"