Bud Light - Office Swear Jar - (2007) :60 (USA)

With lines like: "Would the owner of a white station wagon please go f**k yourself?" and "Can I borrow your pen?" "Can I borrow your f**king pen?" 'swear jar' was rejected by CBS from the 2007 super bowl based on script alone, but as Budweiser made a Bud.tv website, the ad took on a life of its own on the web.

Ad agency: DDB Chicago
Executive creative director Paul Tilley
Group creative director Mark Gross
Creative directors Chuck Rachford and Chris Roe,
Copywriter Jason Karley
Art director Galen Graham
Agency producers Will St. Clair and Maureen Lynch

Production: Hungry Man, Santa Monica
Director: David Shane
Editing: Whitehouse Post
Editor Matthew Wood
Producer Kristin Branstetter

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