Bud Light Seltzer Lemonade - Lemon of a year (2021) :60 (USA)

Bud Light Seltzer Lemonade mocks 2020, which was "a lemon of a year", while also introducing their new Seltzer Lemonade. The friends' flashback to how 2020 began and continued - but not with lockdowns, masks and singing on balconies that we are all sick of seeing by now. Instead, in their universe, lemons rained from the sky for an entire year, crashing through airport ceilings, grounding flights, tearing through paper-audiences at stadiums. Every lemon-disaster scene in this super bowl commercial is a sly reference to something that went wrong for many people in 2020, including the crying bride at her abruptly interrupted wedding, without being too aloof or too sentimental. It's nice to have a bit of a humorous break from what truly was a lemon of a year.  

Ad Agency: Wieden + Kennedy New York

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I liked this one.

kidsleepy's picture

Shoulda called it Bud Lemon.

Sport's picture

A little comic relief after a really crummy year. Not sure I'll ever be a hard lemonade drinker, but I appreciate that Bud light kept it.. light.