Bud Light - Wedding Day / Mom advice - (2008) :60 (USA)

On her wedding day, the beautiful bride seeks advice from her mother on how to make a marriage work. Mom tells all her secrets that made her parents marriage work; "make sure he has time to spend with his friends by... mowing the lawn...... and changing the oil every 5000 miles..."

Wait, what? Ah yes, the exaggerated list of manly chores - including "building a solarium" - are there to lead us to the punchline. This is an ad being tested, and two men in the panel love it so much they're holding hands and quietly sobbing. Facepalm! This satire of crummy ads not only slams stereotype creative plots like weddings, but also clients who fall in love with misguided ideas. When the flabbergasted woman facepalms, we all laugh with her. Dumb ad is dumb, this calls for a Bud Light.

Client: Bud LIght

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