Budweiser - Brewed The Hard Way - (2015) :60 (USA)

Bringing back the "This Bud's for you" tagline, and sneering at the peach pumpkin spicy micro-brewery beers, Budweiser declares its golden suds the hard working beer of America. Which arguably, it is, it's really isn't easy to get a brew to taste the same consistently, and especially not in a crisp lager style beer which is the hardest thing to get right. There's a craft in this, even if I don't personally like it. (I'm an Ale and Stout girl myself). Will the easy drinking lager fans love this ad? It's reminiscent of the hardest working shirt Carhartt ad, with the bold text on images, and the line "hardest working". Unlike Carhartt, where the idea makes sense, Budweiser isn't working hard as much as winding down after work. Not your best effort, Budweiser, it pays to be original.

Client: Budweiser

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