BURGER KING - Connected Whopper - (2017) :15 (USA)

This ad triggered Google Home devices to read the Wikipedia entry of The Whopper Burger - but Google has blocked this sound clip only three hours after the ad aired.

The idea of this ad is pretty simple, initiate the Google Home Device so that it reads the Wikipedia entry on the Whopper. An entry that mysteriously changed just a week ago to read: “The Whopper is a burger, consisting of a flame-grilled patty made with 100 percent beef with no preservatives or fillers, topped with sliced tomatoes, onions, lettuce, pickles, ketchup, and mayonnaise, served on a sesame-seed bun.”
Who made that edit? Fermachado123, which appears to be Burger King's marketing chief, Fernando Machado. He has similar usernames on Twitter and Instagram as well. I told y'all that the Wikipedia is ground zero for advertising, or rather I dubbed it the perpetual motion native ad machine.

Gosh, I wish a bunch of trolls would just edit-war the Wiki page to trash right now. Of course it's already been locked because an edit-war happened as soon as this ad aired.

Now, if your Google Home Device was right next to the TV, this ad will trigger it. It doesn't trigger any of my Google devices because Android devices can recognise voices (and my weird accent.)

This ad used the flaw in Google Home Devices where they do not have voice recognition, much like other home devices that allow news anchors to accidently order doll houses. Google has responded by fixing this flaw with an update. Three hours after the ad aired, Google must have said "you shall not have it your way", and the sound clip from the ad no longer triggers a Google Home device. "Det var kul så länge det varade, sa bacillen" - it was fun while it lasted. And it lasted long enough to make an excellent case study for the Cannes Lions! I bet that this ad will win something already.

Client: Burger KIng.

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Wheres the beef?????