Cannes 2006 Grand Prix Winners (so far)

For those of you who were sad that the LynxJet by Universal McCann, Sydney didn't win Grand Prix for Direct, you'll be happy to know that it did win Grand Prix for Media Lions. It was awarded for best use of mixed media. The campaign was launched in two distinct phases. First the myth of the LynxJet was created with viral and gals who walked around promoting the airline. Then the myth was played into with a website, mobile 'Mile High Club' lounge, and spoofing traditional airline ads.

Fast for Volkswagen GTI by Crispin Porter + Bougsky. The campaign involved creating 17,000 vinyl Fasts, with interchangeable tails and a care-and-feeding manual. They were created as an gift available only with the purchase of the GTI.

Chief Creative Officer: Alex Bogusky
Executive Creative Director: Andrew Keller
Creative Directors: Rob Strasberg, Tony Calcao
Interactive Creative Director: Jeff Benjamin
Copywriter: Mike Howard
Art Director/Designer/Illustrator: Anja Duering
Designer: DJ Neff, Neil Riddell, Rahul Panchal
Illustrator: Harlan Erskine, Joe Moreno, Alvaro Ilizarbe Product Producer: Barrie Bamberg, Tim Ronan (SBK Global) Sculp/3D Model:N. Riddell/Photo:S. Grey

Grand Prix for Radio Lions went to DDB Chicago for their Real Men of Genius Campaign. The radio spots include:
Mr. Paranoid of the Ocean Guy, Mr. 80 SPF Sunblock Wearer, Mr. Backyard Bug Zapper Inventor, Mr. Gasoline BBQ Starter, Mr. Electric Carving Knife Inventor, Mr. Nosebleed Section Fan, and Mr. Humongous Pumpkin Grower Guy.

Grand Prix for Outdoor went to Fallon London for their work for Tate Britain in the Corporate Image category.

Titles: Hungover, Big Meeting, Split Up
Advertiser: Tate Britain
Advertising Agency: Fallon London
Creative Director: Richard Flintham/Andy Mcleod
Copywriter: Juan Cabral
Art Director: Juan Cabral
Typographer: Ginny Carrel
Account Supervisor: Chris Kay
Advertiser's Supervisor: Will Gompertz
Print Production: Arjun Singh

The Young Creative Winner for Print went to Art Director Katarzyna Nowacka and Copywriter Tomek Zielinski, both from TBWAWarszawa, Poland. The objective of the brief was to create a print advertisement to motivate the public to support the ICRC or the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Society either through donations or volunteer service.

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