Cannes Gossip on Beancast!

Straight back from Cannes - I had literally just walked in the door - when I, Angela Natividad of MarketingVox who also had been in Cannes, and always awesome Bill Green of make the logo bigger joined each other for a healthy dose of Cannes gossip in Bob Knorp's Beancast. My 3-year old had picked me up at the airport, and managed to explain the entire story plot of Coraline to me in a spell bounding way waving her arms which much exitment. I raised my eyebrows at her dad when she even recited dialogue (in Swedish), wondering what language she had watched it in, and he mouthed back "No, seriously, she's watched it in English." I told her about the boxes and Nike shoes that had won this award 'in the place where mommy was all week', and she got really exited about it. Weiden+Kennedy, you have just gained your youngest fan.

Here are the show notes & here's the direct link to file. If you like me prefer to subscribe via itunes, do that here.

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