Carolina Klüft poses for Reebok poster campaign again

The Arnell Group and RSA USA began their campaign with selected athletes such as Carolina Klüft already last Feb, and when Carolina won gold in Athens last year the poster campaign with Carolina that was running in Athens took on a whole new meaning.

This year Reebok sent photographer Jason Bell out to Sweden to capture Carolina on film for a new poster campaign that will begin running in Helsinki this Thursday, two days before Ms Klüft competes in the World Athletics Championships. I bet Reebok hopes Carolina can bring a home a gold again.

"We're pushing the Carolina posters a lot during the World Athletics Championships. If she wins, we'll use the campaign in Sweden during the fall, perhaps also in other countries." said Lasse Jörbrink from Reebok Sweden.

Seven pictures were selected for the campaign, in each one Carolina looks a bit like a wild valkyrie, doing heptathlon things, like running, holding a spear or jumping the long jump. Her personal best in the long jump is 6,97 m - you can watch her jumping technique in stylised action in the advert below.

Reebok - Outperform - Carolina Kluft (2004) 0:30 (USA)

Reebok has made a long commitment to Carolina Klüft, days before she won Olympic games in Athens they signed a contract that lasts until the Olympic games are hosted in Peking 2008.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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blabla's picture

Nice photography.

Dabitch's picture

Well there we go Carolina Kl

Pilo's picture
