Catvertising is here!

Forget dogvertising, that stuff is old hat. These days we'll advertise on cats!

Catvertising: The Next Big Trend in Marketing? shows a few images of the black pussy posse that strutted their stuff on the streets of London last Friday the 13th with little shirts on them advertising the upcoming game F.E.A.R 2.

Branded a "cat-vertising campaign", specially trained black cats were seen around London sporting F.E.A.R. 2 clothing. According to Warner Bros., the idea is that the cats would "capture the attention of superstitious passers-by" on the notoriously unlucky Friday the 13th.
Explaining the campaign, a Warner Bros. spokesperson said that "everyday people are bombarded with so many advertising messages that it can be easy to miss them. With our research telling us that Brits are actively looking out for signs of bad luck this Friday, it makes perfect sense to try and capture their attention that way."
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