Chrysler - Lee Iacocca (1990) - 0:60 (USA)

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: jpg jpeg gif png wav avi mpeg mpg mov rm flv wmv 3gp mp4 m4v.
AnonymousCoward's picture

I am trying to view this commercial. I have just paid my 2.00 and logged in with my new ID.

I really need a video of Iacocca for a class project. Please help.

Dabitch's picture

Heh. Well, you are in the area only superagdrunts can see and commenting here so you are a super adgrunt.

aha, but you cant see it?
I conclude that you have a dodgy Quicktime. The FAQ has a headline "3. I can't view commercials -sound but no pic!..." that says everything I know about the topic of Quicktime installs.

The easiest way to fix it is to re install QT and make sure you have all components, these ads play with QT6.

jrliberto's picture

Iacocca, what a ham!