cingular ad a twin towers reminder?

Anyone else heard any buzz about this?
Cingular ads as twin tower reminders?

Post with Image at LowCulture titled "low culture Exclusive: An Outrage Grows in Brooklyn!!!" post number " at lowculture

Follup post at Creative Disobedience titled: Disparate Tidbits

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Dabitch's picture

Clearly some people suffer twin tower hallucinations.

Andreas-Udd's picture

That's just sad. Get a grip. How long will that mass hysteria continue?

alex's picture

How would the world be if every example of adjacent rectangles was banned for fear of causing offence? For a start, we'd have to re-plan all our cities. Supermarkets would have to display all their boxes in a random fashion. And God knows what would happen if Twix bars ever got launched in the States. And then there's legs... my God! I can't look at an upside-down person without being reminded.. *shudder*

deeped's picture

Ironic bastards writing Lowculture?

blabla's picture

HA! Oh dear, they are kidding right? They have to be kidding. It's super-ironic or something. It's hard to tell. But nobody, nobody is really confusing five bars of escalating heights next to the antenna symbol "breaking through" the red "border" of the ad, for the WTC attack? Are they? Please, No.

blabla's picture

I'm thinking that perhaps LowCulture is trying to be ironic, while Creative Disobedience is not. "or if the executives just didn

ernieschenck's picture

JFK Reloaded bothered me. The MTV Brazil ads troubled me. But if those bars are supposed to be the twin towers, I'll jump off the Brooklyn Bridge. This is just stupid and sad.

Dabitch's picture

agree with deep.ed and blabla about Lowculture being ironic (though It seems, not everyone who commented there are..).. I mean c'mon, I hate Ms Zeta-Jones-Douglas as much as anyone but this can't be serious. ;)

Please, we urge you once again to boycott Catherine Zeta Jones, despite her endorsement of T-Mobile. Boycott her because she married that slimy Michael Douglas! This outrage must be stopped!

blabla's picture

Yeah really, we are already boycotting her. Get with the program people.

amoeba's picture

Holy Cow Batman! The Lowculture posts are over-the-top ironic yet the comments are dead serious... Or is this some new kind of irony that I don't get? Creative Disobedience is serious too. It's like watching a trainwreck..... can't look away...... I am curious what the poster woohoonikki thought about all this. Speak up woohoonikki. Your post reveals nothing but links.

Neo's picture

LOL!!1! ROTFLAMO! this is teh thread r0x0rz!! A++++++ WILL REDA AGAIN!!1!

seriously - woohoonikki, make a comment, you didn't think low culture were serious did you? Does anyone know if Creative Disobedience really is? I find it hard to believe.

skip's picture

Now, I can understand that people can be upset at images that remind them of 9/11, even if unintentional. I can almost sympathize with them - I was in NY when it happened and it will stay with me for the rest of my life.

That said, people who see the Twin Towers in innocuous images like the Cingular ad are obviously more prone to unintentional visual reminders than the rest of us. Hell, they probably can't look at a pair of chopsticks without getting all indignant.

woohoonikki's picture

here i am. what do i think? i think its ridiculous. it makes me feel bad to say that, because i know that 9/11 was a horrific event, and saying that something triggering bad memories for someone else is ridiculous is mean...but deep down i think, "oh please...gimme a break."