City group "Live Richly" poster campaign 2002

A new poster campaign for Citi group has been released, and a writer at Slate already hates it. So much so, that they have dissed it twice!

Tim Carvell rants: "Surely one of the most bizarre ad campaigns of recent years has been Citigroup's "Live Richly" series of billboard, TV, and print ads, all of which carry the implicit message, "Money isn't all that important"—a healthy worldview, perhaps, but not one that's necessarily reassuring coming from an institution whose sole job is to protect your money."

Seth Stevenson piled on:

As for "Live Richly"—Citi's other big recent campaign—Slate has already dissed it. But allow me, if you will, to pile on. These ads feature lines like: "Hugs are on a 52-week high," and: "The best blue chips to buy are the ones you dip in salsa." Both of which—hey, don't get me wrong—are beautiful notions. In fact, this would be totally great ad copy … for a shop that sells handmade wind chimes. Not so much for a financial services firm.

Client: City Group

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