City Search Ambient - worlds smallest ad stunt? (Australia)

DDB Melbourne created this little (literally) ambient campaign for CitySearch Melbourne, by highlighting these tiny venues they remind people that some of the best hot spots are well hidden in the city, but all can be found via the citysearch website.

Michael Faudet acted as both ECD and CD on this campaign which was created by Michael Davey and John Akritidis.

DDB Melbourne

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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brandonbarr's picture

I hope they credited/reimbursed the Little People art project of London-based Slinkachu.

Dabitch's picture

The first thing I thought of too, I just couldn't recall the URL & name. (my brain is going)

Wendall's picture

That's neat...

Neo's picture

Please, how long was this up for before a random dog ate it? As a press ad it would be cute, and should use little people to shoot it, but as ambient it sucks.

nubetre's picture

Makes me think of Chris King's calendars