Cloetta - Go' och glad Kexchoklad / GENERALEN / the General (1993) :30 (Sweden)

Go' och glad Kexchoklad means Good and happy Cookie Chocolate, so it makes little sense but rhymes quite nicely. Pair that with a general who is sobbing over his broken hat and it gets very Roy Andersson weird. 

Client: Cloetta
Advertising agency Hallstedt&Hvid

Cinematographer István Borbás

Director Roy Andersson.

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Andreas-Udd's picture

I saw this in the movie theatre, the whole audience laughed. He really tapped into some weird Swedish humor.

Dabitch's picture

Me too! Not every ad made people laugh, but as I recall some ACO ads, this one, and Paradiset's early Diesel campaigns got a lot of audience reactions.