Coca-Cola "Taste Under Hypnosis" (2013) 3:00 (Belgium)

This three minute case study proves that if Coke manipulates us by putting us under with the help of a hypnotist, we'll believe Coke Zero tastes like Coke. Power of suggestion indeed.

Maybe it's just me but If this were a thirty second spot, it would feel like a goofy pepsi spot. Instead, it's Coke, but still goofy. Weird.

On a side note, when this came through the inbox, I mistakenly thought it had something to do with Hipgnosis. Pity it didn't. Because that's a concept I could really get behind no matter what it was.

Agency: Duval Guillaume Modem
Media: Online video 3’

Launch date: April 25th 2013

Creative directors: Geoffrey Hantson & Katrien Bottez

Creative team: Dieter De Ridder (copywriter) & Ad Van Ongeval (Art Director)

Account team: Sylvie Verbruggen, Nathalie Rahbani, Tuyen Pham Xuan

TV producer agency: Marc Van Buggenhout

Digital media planners: Kris Hoet, Maarten Van Herck

Production company: Caviar

Director: Tom Willems

Postproduction: Caviar

Sound studio: Sonicville

Production company producers: Kato Maes, Werner De Coninck, Leslie Verbist

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