Coke's Happiness Machine vs Nesquick's talking vending machine

So, now that most of the tradepress has caught up, lets update the fantastic Coke Happiness machine stunt from Definition6 (which has set the retweet record at 285 now, for those keeping score at home) with the invariable, the crowds that yawn and say "seen that before". It's an advertising disease, my last post about the ebay auction was one big "seen it". The only known cure is to be reborn.

Let smile at the happiness machine again first:

Coke / Coca-Cola - The Happiness machine - (2010) 2:00 (USA)

Now check out the Nesquick talking vending machine from 2007, which had people doing the chicken dance, pushing it's buttons and calling it names, breakdancing and laughing. A classic hidden camera gag, with the promise of free Nesquick for anyone who played along.

Nesquik - Talking Vending Machine - (2007) 2:28 (USA)

And that's just it, the Classic Hidden Camera TV show had "talking mailboxes" already way back in the 1950s, which in turn likely inspired the Nesquick gag and possibly the Coke idea. Every idea that ever was, is a result of building on previous ideas, we all know this. But the ideas for Nesquick and Coke are different in their execution, and we've never seen a twenty-foot sub come out of a Coke machine before. Add to that, the tagline the happiness factory which previously was expertly translated to the screen by Psyop, now finally entered the real world and proved it was a happiness factory to the college kids who scored balloon animals and pizza from the magical vending machine. Because as great as Psyops animations were, I honestly hated that tagline until now, it was lacking something. Now it no longer does, "The Happiness Machine" makes so much sense, it hurts (in that "Damn why didn't I think of that?"-way).

A pre-emptive badlander if you will, as I don't think Coke copied Nesquick but someone will be posting these two so I might as well beat you to it. What do you think? Hat tip @grandel

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Forgot to ask, does anyone recall any other vending machine stunts?