This is no amateur blond
Sure, you can color your hair in the bathroom sink. With a product from the supermarket or drugstore. The truth is that you can't be absolutely certain of the results. And results are the only things that matter.
Helene Curtis ColorEssence is available ColorEssence by only through salons. Because that's the only way we can be sure our product is in professional hands. For professional results.
Haircoloring you do yourself just can't be the same. We don't have to compromise on any of the essentials that make haircolor last and stay beautiful. Our reds stay warm. Our drabs stay drab. And every color stays beautiful longer.
Besides, we don't feel that a stock boy or check-out girl can be much help in guiding you to the right choice of color. The only sure way of not looking like an amateur blond is to have our professional haircolor applied by a professional. Do it. Or rather, have it done.
Helene Curtis.
the professional's haircolor
available only through fine salons