Comedy Central - Car Wash (2006) 1:20 (USA)

Thanksgiving Island

Client: Comedy Central
Senior Vice President: Bob Pederson
Head Writer: Darry Logan
Art Director: Chris Scarlata
Director, Promotion & Marketing: Heather Zarnett
Creative Agency: Riverstreet Productions/Los Angeles
Creative Director: Michael Blum
Creative Producer: Jay Lehrfeld
Executive Producers: Michael Blum, Tracy Pion
Writers: Luke Del Tredici, Jim Dubensky, Aaron Hilliard, Jay Lehrfeld, Darry Logan, Chris Reed, Murray Valeranio,
Production Company: Riverstreet Productions/Los Angeles
Directors: Michael Blum, Jay Lehrfeld
Line Producer: Jared Christensen
DP: Raphael Smadja
Where Shot: Los Angeles Arboretum
Graphics and Animation: Comedy Central
Production Designer: Alex Fymat
Editorial facility: Riverstreet Productions
Editors: Dan Clougherty, Galen Herod
Assistant Editor: Sal Jurado, Tony Laudati, Matt Hamilton
Post-Production Coordinator: Xavier Pilsudski
Audio Mixing: Blaine Stewart, PostPlus Sound

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