VW / Volkswagen GTI Mk V - Unpimp / Catapult (2006) :30 (USA)

"Vat time iz it? It iz time to umpimp ze auto, ja?"

Agency: Crispin Porter + Bogusky
Director: Jonas Åkerlund
Production Co: RSA LA

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Dabitch's picture

All hail Peter Stormare!

Hygge's picture


James Trickery's picture

Peter Stormare 0wnz U!

AnonymousCoward's picture

Def on the unpimp verdict... Adgaygency Crispin Porter makes the BK ads azwell. creepish, innefective.

Hygge's picture

This will get Gold in Cannes.

Wanna bet?

Dabitch's picture

I won't bet against you. Golds are showered on any old junk these days. ;)