Spike TV - Spike Wars / Office Tusken Raider - (2008) :30 (USA)

Created by Mother in New York and directed by Ryan Ebner at HSI Productions

Mother New York:
Linus Karlsson, Creative Director
Paul Malmström, Creative Director
Michael Aaron, Producer
Greg Hunter, Copywriter
Allon Tatarka, Copywriter
Mat Driscoll, Art Director
Rob Baird, Art Director
Renee Rauchut, Mother

H.S.I. Productions:
Ryan Ebner, Director
Michael McQuhae , Executive Producer
Alison Foster, Producer
Stoeps Langensteiner,Director of Photography

Riot, New York:
Brent Holt, Executive Producer
D. Todd Davidovich, Executive Producer
Peter Stanik, Producer
Chris Blyth, On Set VFX Supervisor
Tom McCullough, Lead VFX Artist
Matt Reilly, VFX artist
Chris Hunt, Junior VFX Artist
Steve Morris, Junior VFX Artist
Chris Wiseman, Junior VXF Artist
Christopher "Pink" Bonnstetter, CG Supervisor

Cosmo Street:
Maura Woodward-Moulton, Executive Producer
Amy Febinger, Producer
Jason McDonald, Editor
Aaron Langley, Editor
Willow Robin, Assistant Editor

Company 3, New York:
Tim Masick, Colorist
Tara Dowd, Producer

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payote's picture


Sorry, my inner geek had to correct this.

Dabitch's picture

Right your inner geek is. Typo fixed.