Like to doodle? Win a Working Holiday In London book!

Art director Gwen Yip is known from Asia to Amsterdam for her Working Holiday In London blog. If you haven't read it yet, it's a funny illustrated diary of her advertising adventures in Europe. Gwen loves to draw and has the habit of sketching everyone she meets. Her pictures are always spot on!

Wieden and Kennedy London CD - Michael Russoff

AKQA Global Creative Director - Rei Inamoto

Gwen has recently published a book of her ad adventures and you can win an autographed copy!

All you have to do is draw a pic of a someone in advertising (it could even be a self portrait) and post it here. Gwen will pick her favorite and award the winner! We'll run this contest for a month so you have until February 28, 2009 to submit your drawing!

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

Here's Dave Trott as seen in my scrap book.

Robblink's picture

I tried to sketch George Parker (from the infamous AdScam blog), but the doodle came out horrific! I'm not even going to bother to upload it. Copywriters really shouldn't sketch!

GeorgeParker's picture

I want to see it... It can't be as bad as me in real life... Or the picture I keep in the attic... The one with snakes growing out of my head... Time for another Beskadroppa!!

Dabitch's picture

Yeah, lets see it Robblink! :)

Robblink's picture

Oh, sorry. I trashed that monstrosity a long time ago! It's now in heaven where it belongs!

Dabitch's picture

Well, Let me see what else I got - oh haha, I had forgotten this one. It looks quite like him.

Dabitch's picture

Oh wait!! This one should make me the winner. Pretty Pleeez? Even Paul laughed at it man. Just his glasses. hehehe.

Dabitch's picture

Honestly? Is nobody going to try and join in with their doodles here? Admit it, you've all been super distracted by the super bowl. Right?

tacharel's picture

Hey Gwen, I read some strips of your comic and it's really funny! I'm still a student and I want to work in an ad agency as well. My "model" will be my doodling Japanese friend, she's an angel and she inspires me a lot. I tried to draw a memorable scene in a photo booth in Akihabara last summer...

Dabitch's picture

yeay, more strips!

Robblink's picture

Thanks for participating everyone. I e-mailed Gwen a few days ago and she picked a winner! It was me! I submitted an incredible sketch of Andrew Jackson and she loved it. Thanks again!

Allan1's picture

does the sketch look like this?


[Sorry, I'm a bit off today, I tried to embed a pic of a $20 bill]

anonymous's picture

Her illustrations are terrible. Only an ex W+K:er would have the gall to publish their crap in a book nobody bought.

Dabitch's picture


Dabitch's picture

Heh. Anyway, to bring this full circle, here's Bruce Feilding I doodled (above), hanging out with w+k. Ta-dah!