Toyota Tundra - Holy Smoke / Killer heat - (2009) :30 (USA)

Half Time Show
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, Los Angeles

Client: Toyota
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, Los Angeles
Executive Creative Director: Harvey Marco
Creative Director: Erich Funke
Senior Art Director: Peter Vattanaham
Senior Copywriter: Craig Lederman
Director of Integrated Production/Multimedia: Damian Stevens
Senior Agency Producer: Jennifer Vogtmann
Director: Andrew Douglas
Production Company: Anonymous Content
Producer: Aris McGarry
Set Designer: Bruce McCloskey
Editorial Company: Spotwelders
Editor: Robert Duffy
VFX: Mass Market
Sound Design: Noises Digital
Sound Designer: Kim Christensen
Mix: Lime
Mixer: Loren Silber

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Hygge's picture

Remember those days that Saatchi was a good agency?
When was that? 1989?

Neo's picture

These demonstrations are getting crazier every year. I'm clearly not the target.

Allan1's picture

Neo, you obviously aren't. The target is guys who want a REALLY tough truck!
I feel for the poor stunt guy/gal, sweating out the ride in his/her nomex protective gear.