Indian - On the road again / spring cleaning - (2013) :30 (USA)

If you're an adman, you may see the twist coming after ten seconds of Harley-glory in this Indian ad, where a man spends a long time cleaning and buffing his Harley-Davidson. He even takes out the Q-tips to clean the vent.

If you're the target market, a biker, you've likely spent too much time on the road to be that familiar with advertising twists, and the message will hit you loud and clear. Well done, Indian, shaking up the category.

For the rest of today, we're gonna hum Willie Nelson's on the road, and braid our hair while daydreaming about motorcycles.

Client: Indian Motorcycle
Agency: Colle+McVoy, Minneapolis
Production Company: Blue Morpho Films
Edit: Channel Z

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