Plenty - Love Hurts / #Xmess (2020) :90 (UK)

Plenty recognizes that christmas with the family can get rather messy at times, and this particular family is no different. Still, there is no place that you'd rather be. 

As far as christmas ads go, without being sappy or tearjerky, your regular household paper towel brand just knocked it out of the park. It's certianly one of the most memorable ads out there right now, showing actual product benefit, and making people smile in recognition. Well done.

Client: Plenty

Ad agency: AMV BBDO

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Truth in advertising's picture

The air mattress failing! That's bloody perfect.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

For once, the song choice made it even better. Brill.

Dabitch's picture

I have to agree with that. Often the song choice seems off, but here it was perfect.